How can search engines help you make massive amounts of money?
[Continued post from another post I made. (If you missed it, here’s the direct link)]
We were talking about how search engines get over 3.5 Billion searches per day! I’m not trying to be a decadist, but we’re just getting started.
See what I just did there? You most likely googled that term, didn’t you? I’m just trying to prove a point. Like you, people “search” for things that they need. Obviously, this isn’t limited to “informative” subjects.
People are looking for products. People are looking for services. People are searching. They’re searching for your services, your products – every second, every day. Not just in the US or the UK, but ALL over the world. Billions of people. Google (& Bing or Yahoo for that matter).
80-90% of customers check out online reviews before making a purchase. This is only going to increase.
If you’re in this group, you probably either have an online business or are looking to create one. If you are online and not leveraging the power of search engines, you should!
Many of my clients get thousands of free visitors to their sites. And guess what, those visitors are INTERESTED in my clients’ products. They’re paying zero dollars in advertising. Zero.