Qofka Googled Of Time All Most

Inta badan Qofka Googled


That moment when you realize that you are showing up on google for "the most googled person" is freakin' awesome.

Yaa dalban kartaa wax caynkaas ah?

Let's figure out who are the most googled people online. Haddii aan samayn raadinta google a muddo search this, I'm going to just guess who they are:

  1. Farhan Syed
    Just kiddin'.
  2. the Kardashians
    Mid ka mid ah iyaga ka mid ah ayaa TGS noqon in ay jiraan.
  3. Jennifer Lopez
    Just cuz'
  4. Jennifer Lawrence
    I remember seeing her being among the top searches. So i'll give her this.
  5. Madonna
    No more.
  6. Kanye
    Dad badan ayaa qabaa inuu u qalmo.
  7. Lionel Messi
    He's gotta be in there somewhere. And i'm a fan too.
  8. Cristiano Ronaldo
    Can't leave him behind! :)
  9. Michael Jackson
    King of Pop... Thanks Drew!

I'll look for some more suggestions in the comments. Yaa kula tahay waa dadkii ugu googled ka soo baxay waxaa? Who's your fan.