If you’re looking to create a website for whatever reason it is, be it, e-commerce, local business, your personal portfolio…simply follow the below steps in order: Buy a website name (aka Domain) first. You can go to any accredited domain registrars for...
Started by giving to the community with all I had, just didn’t know I was tapping on a million-dollar industry. Being in the IT field for over 8 years, working with computers has become my second nature. My daily life included going to work, come home to kids,...
Kaj so “ključne besede” da vsi govorijo v oglaševanju? Od digitalnih oglaševalskih agencij posameznim marketingu – vsi ponujajo svoje pakete na podlagi katere ključne besede želite ciljati oglase na in koliko ključnih besed želite ciljati ?...