How would you like it if Google displays your social profiles in the search results like this?
 how to add social media icons to google search result
It’s very crucial for any organization to be displayed in the best way possible.
Google recently showed a way of adding a code snippet in the back-end of any website that can display the social media profiles of the said organization /profile.
At this moment, the following social media platforms are supported:
  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. YouTube
  5. Google+
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Myspace
To add the code, just follow the simple steps as indicated below:
  1. Make sure you can edit the back-end of your website. If your site is based on WordPress, then you should be able to add the code in the same place as you add the Google Analytics code (Click here if you need help with installing Google Analytics code on your website)
  2. Copy and paste the following code (JSON-LD) in your site:
<script type="application/ld+json">
{ "@context" : "",
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Your Organization Name",
"url" : "",
"sameAs" : [ "",
  1. Edit the above code with the appropriate details for your particular organization or company profile.
    1. website URL should indicate your site url
    2. replace yourProfile with your respective social media profiles
    3. Add this code in the header.php of your theme
  2. You can test this using Google’s Structured Data Testing Tools -> click here
That’s all. Leave your comments and share this post for your friends! 🙂