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गूगल के 2 पृष्ठ पर अटक? इस इसे ठीक करने करो.

आप गूगल परिणाम के 2 या 3 पेज पर अटक कर रहे हैं? आप अपने ऑन-पृष्ठ अनुकूलन किया था और जगह में एक अच्छी सामग्री मिल गया, लेकिन अभी भी मिल "लगभग वहाँ"?

I'll let you in on a neat trick that can give your site a boost that it needs. एक यह है कि मैं अपने सभी साइटों पर उपयोग करें. साइट पर किसी भी सामग्री प्रकाशित करने से पहले एक अंतिम स्पर्श. It's called "आंतरिक जोड़ने।" लगभग 100% समय की, internal linking has been an apparent reason to rank higher on Google with either my client's sites or my own.

आंतरिक जोड़ने क्या है? It's simply a link to one post from within the article. एक बुनियादी उदाहरण होगा:

"सीआरएम यहाँ विस्तार से समझाया गया है: <संपर्क>." It's just pointing to another post from your site most likely to expand on a particular subject or naturally lead to another topic, अगर दिलचस्पी हो.
साइट के भीतर पदों की आंतरिक जोड़ने एक बहुत ही प्रभावशाली तरीके से कनेक्ट और गूगल के लिए एक अति संरचित छवि दिखाता. यह साइट अधिकार बढ़ाने के लिए बार-बार साबित हो चुका है. तुम्हें पता है और कौन आंतरिक जोड़ने पागलों की तरह करता है? विकिपीडिया.

आंतरिक लिंक का एक और उदाहरण यह है: Click here to check out my other post

Notice how I'm linking to another post from here. That's it. That's all it requires to link internally to another article. अभी, what's going on behind the scene is that this way, your website's structure is getting stronger with each link from a post to another post. One post is explaining another post.

Look at any article on Wikipedia, see how it links to other articles from Wikipedia. It forms a great web of strong links. This strategy is one of the most important and a stealthy one that top SEO experts use to get their sites ranked higher on Google, Bing or any other search engines.

Do you link internally? What strategy do you use?


एक वेबसाइट बनाने के लिए खोज रहे हैं? चेक इस चरण-दर-चरण मार्गदर्शिका शुरू करने के लिए.

If you're looking to create a website for whatever reason it is, यह हो, ई-कॉमर्स, स्थानीय व्यापार, your personal portfolio...simply follow the below steps in order:

  1. एक वेबसाइट का नाम खरीदें (उर्फ डोमेन) प्रथम.
    आपको लगता है कि के लिए किसी भी मान्यता प्राप्त डोमेन रजिस्ट्रार पर जा सकते हैं. Some of the popular ones are पिताजी जाओ, Name.com, Namecheap.com. These registrars charge you per year... नीचे 2 बिंदु के अंतिम भाग की जाँच करें इससे पहले कि आप डोमेन खरीद)
  2. Now that you bought your website's name, आप अपनी वेबसाइट के लिए होस्टिंग खरीदने यानी वेब पर एक अंतरिक्ष किराए पर करने की जरूरत है. Just like you need to rent space (shop) to put your products and things, a website needs its space on the web to store all the files and images and attachments that you create in your website. There are a lot of hosting sellers.
    To cut the clutter, I recommend FastComet. They provide free SSL, and the best part is their customer support. If for any reason your website has any issues, their support replies to your queries within 10 मिनटों!

    As a matter of fact, Fastcomet also provides free domain, if you buy their hosting. So if you're looking to buy a domain, its just better to skip the first step and go directly to FastComet's website and buy hosting. When you select a package, it will ask you to choose a website for free FOR LIFE!

  3. Now that you have bought hosting and secured your domain name, its time to install wordpress to start bloggin.
    1. Goto Wordpress.org
    2. Download
    3. Navigate to your hosting account.
    4. Login to c-panel
    5. Find Addon Domains (do this if you bought domain from another registrar)
      add the domain name - this will create a directory in your /public_html folder
    6. Click on MySQL databases
    7. Create a new database
      1. give a name
      2. Note this database name
    8. Create a user /password
      1. give some name
      2. note this user name and password somewhere safe
    9. Assign that User to the database you just created
    10. Steps 7,8,& 9 are done in the same page.
    11. Go back to c-panel home
    12. Click on File Manager
    13. If you purchased fastcomet hosting, you should install SSL certificate. You can do this by clicking on "Let's Encrypt SSL" certificate.
    14. You should see your website's name
    15. Click on +Issue
    16. Save changes (if you need to)
    17. Navigate to /public_html folder
    18. Double click on your domain name's folder in /public_html folder
    19. Click on Upload button on top
    20. Upload the wordpress zip file that you had downloaded in step2
    21. Click on wordpress's zip file and Click the Extract button on top
    22. Double click on the extracted file.
    23. select all files in this folder
    24. click on move
    25. select the target folder as /public_html/<domain-name>
    26. Now open a new tab
    27. Enter this url: (replace <domain-name> with your domain name)
    28. Enter your Database name, username, password...leave other fields blank
    29. In your next page, give your site title, choose login user id and password.
    30. Click Run Install
    31. Once it is done, you can access your backend login URL at
      https://<domain-name>/WP- व्यवस्थापक
    32. Enjoy!


कैसे देने के लिए एक लाख डॉलर का उद्योग के साथ संपर्क में मुझे मिला

सभी रहा था के साथ समुदाय के लिए देकर शुरू किया, just didn't know I was tapping on a million-dollar industry.

से अधिक के लिए आईटी के क्षेत्र में होने के नाते 8 वर्षों, कंप्यूटर के साथ काम कर मेरी दूसरी प्रकृति बन गया है. मेरे दैनिक जीवन के काम करने जा शामिल, बच्चों को घर आ जाओ, टहल कर आओ, स्थानीय समुदाय और नींद के साथ एक अच्छी छोटी मुलाकात है. That's it, दिन के आखिर मे. इसी दिन सप्ताह. और इस तरह के सप्ताह महीने श्रृंगार. ऐसा होता है 12 वर्ष में इतनी बार. और वर्ष से गुजरती हैं - बस ऐसे ही.

के बारे में 2 years ago, हालांकि, this routine took a dramatic turn.

My life changed completely when one of my friends from the community asked me for help with his website. I wasn't so sure about what he was asking then, but I agreed and listened to what his problem was. He needed help with making a few tweaks to the website. When I looked at it, I instantly knew that I could do a lot better for him and not even charge for it. I suggested some changes after which, the website became so good that he really liked the way I threw out the template, content, and the placing of call to action buttons, आदि.

But wait, that's not it. I didn't stop there at all. I thought to myself that he got a decent website, but what about the clients. इसलिए, I started looking into how to market his website so he can get more customers. And right away I came across search engine optimization. It's a concept where a website is optimized and structured in a way that gets good understanding of the content of one's website to the machine or search engines like Google.

Everyone goes to Google to look for something. I do google search 10-15 times a day to say the least. The results that you see on the first few pages are most likely well optimized for Google's search algorithm. I implemented this to his website and started seeing results. His website started to come up on first page of google and he got more calls and clients. So much that he is hiring to take care of the overload. This blew me away. I was stunned at the power of search engines and the way one can benefit from it.

इसलिए, I started taking courses on monetizing SEO and immediately started implementing as I learnt. It's safe to say that earning 6 figures is very easy if you put your mind to it.

The best thing I believe that I did, was to take the action when something feels right and that you need it. If I hadn't invested in learning SEO and online marketing, then I wouldn't have been where I am. The only thing that differentiates a successful with an unsuccessful entrepreneur is the "action". I took action, and I want you to take action and do something that you have wanted to do and complete the tasks.