How To kewaye Shigar Lissafin Kuɗi Information Don amfani da Google Keyword Tools

Looks like Google doesn't want everyone to use their free tools. Google Keyword Tools ne mafi kyau wadanda daga can ya fara bincike kowane irin keywords. Most of the market pretty much rely on this Keyword Tool's API to get their data for their keyword difficulty scores and stuff.
Here's an easiest way to skip providing billing information in adwords.
  1. Rajista don sabon AdWords account, kamar ka kullum zai
  2. Tabbatar da email
  3. A lokacin da ta tambaye ga shigar da lissafin kuɗi da bayanai -> latsa nan
  4. Wannan ya kamata sun riƙe ka mike to your account, kuma suka tsallake dukan "shigar da lissafin kuɗi da details" tsari.
This might be a temporary workaround, amma da aka aiki tun lokacin da aka taba ƙuntata - which is why it's just a work-around until we have a permanent way to bypass it.