Ta yaya Ba Got Ni a Touch da A Million-Dollar Industry

Ta yaya Ba Got Ni a Touch da A Million-Dollar Industry

Started by giving to the community with all I had, just didn’t know I was tapping on a million-dollar industry. Being in the IT field for over 8 years, working with computers has become my second nature. My daily life included going to work, come home to kids,...
Mene ne keywords a talla?

Mene ne keywords a talla?

Mene ne “keywords” wanda kowa da kowa yayi Magana game da su a talla? Daga digital talla hukumomin mutum kasuwar – suka bayar da kunshe-kunshe bisa abin da keywords da kake son Target your talla a kan da kuma yadda mutane da yawa keywords kana so ka Target ?...