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Each of the method has a different way of presenting the product. videos can be animated or white-board animated, voice-over, powerpoint presentation, etc. Sales page can be a one-page copy of what the product is, how is it beneficial to your potential buyer, the advantages of this particular product and why buy from you, etc. And email copies are the most converting sales copies of all. There are many copy writing techniques and mini-courses out there that teach how to write better email copies really well.
<script type="application/ld+json">
{ "@context" : "http://schema.org",
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Your Organization Name",
"url" : "http://www.your-site.com",
"sameAs" : [ "http://www.facebook.com/your-profile",
The most important lesson I learned in SEO so far: Strategy and Keyword Research
I found out that getting an effective strategy for SEO is the most important thing to do. This approach that I am talking about is laying out a plan starting from niche selection to keyword research to market survey to content publishing and website organization. Also, link building, onsite and offsite. Social media sharing.
The order in which we need to get this sorted is:
So, this is a kind of cool breakdown that I think covers the SEO in a very comprehensive manner. Let me know what you guys think? Leave a comment below and let me find out if you need any further explanations on any of the concepts discussed here. Or just holler! :)