Category: seoguides

What you Need to be a Successful Online Entrepreneur

To become a successful online business owner, you need the following four things.

The Product

How many of you have a product to sell? You can't build a business without having something to sell your customers. If you don't have one, you need to Build Your Product First. Product can be anything that people might want. It doesn't even have to be a physical product. It can be a virtual "e-book", a mini-course, or a course for expertise on something that someone might be interested in. The key is to find the demand and analyze competition fully. Make sure people will buy your product when you have one. One way to do that is to just ask people. Ask your network of friends what they would like to learn or what they need for their business.

The Sales Copy

One of the most important task for any business, especially online business. You need to give your customers the reasons why they should buy from you. Your product connects with your audience through ONLY a sales copy. If you have an excellent product, a traffic source, but a failed copy, you'll never succeed in convincing prospects to turn into customers. Many marketers out there fail in this very part of the process. Proper representation of the product is crucial to the life of the product. Writing copy is a sort of creative exercise. If you don't think you can take time off to work on a copy, hire someone who can do it for you. We don't want to be jack of all trades. There are a few ways to create a sales copy that are very commonly used among online marketers, which are:
  1. Video Sales
  2. Sales pages - clickfunnels, leadpages, instapage, etc.
  3. Email sequence

Each of the method has a different way of presenting the product. videos can be animated or white-board animated, voice-over, powerpoint presentation, etc. Sales page can be a one-page copy of what the product is, how is it beneficial to your potential buyer, the advantages of this particular product and why buy from you, etc. And email copies are the most converting sales copies of all. There are many copy writing techniques and mini-courses out there that teach how to write better email copies really well.

The Traffic

After putting the sales copy or a sales funnel together, you need customers to look at it. If you have a very good sales copy, but poor traffic sources, then it might not work the way you expect it to. Traffic can easily be simplified into two broad groups.
    1. Paid traffic
      Facebook ads, Bing Ads, Google AdWords, etc..
    2. Organic traffic
      Search Engine Optimization, Social Shares, natural following (family and friends), mailing list, etc.

Scaling Methods

Once you are confident that you are completely able to make money and have stagnated in terms of profit, you definitely reached a point where you have to scale your business. Regardless of what business you are in. You need to learn methods of scaling your business either by automating your business process as much as possible or by putting a team together. As soon as you are starting to scale, you will definitely reach a new level of working your business.
So, which phase of the process are you in? Which part are you struggling with? What are the issues?

How To Add Social Media Icons To Google's Search Results

How would you like it if Google displays your social profiles in the search results like this?
 how to add social media icons to google search result
It's very crucial for any organization to be displayed in the best way possible.
Google recently showed a way of adding a code snippet in the back-end of any website that can display the social media profiles of the said organization /profile.
At this moment, the following social media platforms are supported:
  1. Facebook
  2. Twitter
  3. Instagram
  4. YouTube
  5. Google+
  6. LinkedIn
  7. Myspace
To add the code, just follow the simple steps as indicated below:
  1. Make sure you can edit the back-end of your website. If your site is based on WordPress, then you should be able to add the code in the same place as you add the Google Analytics code (Click here if you need help with installing Google Analytics code on your website)
  2. Copy and paste the following code (JSON-LD) in your site:
<script type="application/ld+json">
{ "@context" : "",
"@type" : "Organization",
"name" : "Your Organization Name",
"url" : "",
"sameAs" : [ "",
  1. Edit the above code with the appropriate details for your particular organization or company profile.
    1. website URL should indicate your site url
    2. replace yourProfile with your respective social media profiles
    3. Add this code in the header.php of your theme
  2. You can test this using Google's Structured Data Testing Tools -> click here
That's all. Leave your comments and share this post for your friends! :)

How To Bypass Entering Billing Information To Use Google Keyword Tools

Looks like Google doesn't want everyone to use their free tools. Google Keyword Tools are the best ones out there to start researching any kind of keywords. Most of the market pretty much rely on this Keyword Tool's API to get their data for their keyword difficulty scores and stuff.
Here's an easiest way to skip providing billing information in adwords.
  1. Signup for your new AdWords account, like you normally would
  2. Verify your email
  3. When it asks for enter billing information -> click here
  4. This should have taken you straight to your account and have skipped the whole "enter your billing details" process.
 This might be a temporary workaround, but has been working since it was ever restricted - which is why it's just a work-around until we have a permanent way to bypass it.

What Wikipedia Can’t Tell You About SEO

Keyword Research, the right way.

The most important lesson I learned in SEO so far: Strategy and Keyword Research

I found out that getting an effective strategy for SEO is the most important thing to do. This approach that I am talking about is laying out a plan starting from niche selection to keyword research to market survey to content publishing and website organization. Also, link building, onsite and offsite. Social media sharing.

The order in which we need to get this sorted is:

  1. Niche selection

    1. Look for a sub-niche that charges a decent amount to customers and are searched adequately
    2. Example: Spray foam insulation Phoenix instead of Insulation Phoenix
  2. Keyword analysis

    1. I explain in this post (click here), how to do proper keyword research in a straightforward and easy way that anybody can do
  3. Competition analysis

    1. Use SEMRush, Moz and Majestic to find what kind of competition you're up against
    2. Plan out how many backlinks you may need to beat that competition
  4. Content writing and publishing

    1. Write well-structured content. Remember: You are writing for users and not just the Google bots. So it is extremely vital that your content is for the users. Quality beats everything else
    2. Link your other articles from your blog for some internal linking. This linking acts as an unexplained power that your website uses just to boost your rankings
  5. Social Media Sharing

    1. Share your site's content on social media pages.
    2. If it comes to it, you can even add some ads to attract users to your website initially. But once it gains momentum or once your site is ranked, you will not need ANY ads. This sub-step is optional.
  6. Off page SEO

    1. Get some real web 2.0 backlinks with some quality articles on websites like,, etc.
    2. When unique c-class IP address domains start referring your website in their articles, your site has nowhere else to go but to rank in the top spots on Google for the keywords mentioned above

So, this is a kind of cool breakdown that I think covers the SEO in a very comprehensive manner. Let me know what you guys think? Leave a comment below and let me find out if you need any further explanations on any of the concepts discussed here. Or just holler! :)
